
To What Extent Should Middle School Students Have To Wear Uniform

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Studies shows that middle school kids shouldn't have to wear uniform, Dr. Joe Haynes says, “students don’t know what freedom feels like because people are telling them what to wear.” one in five public schools have to wear uniform. Therefore students shouldn’t have to wear school uniform because it's too expensive for most parents, also school uniform can display gang colors and show their creativity, and lastly students can get easy faster and easier to get dressed.
Parents are always spending money on their child, they're always spending money on their child because of the school clothes they have to buy. French Toast uniform clothes are expensive, $45 dollars for two pair of school uniform, with school uniform parents will have to feel …show more content…

Students should show how they are creative and by wearing what they have at home, they can show what they have. Most students will not listen to the teachers while they are teaching if the teachers won't listen to what the students have to say. Public schools shouldn't have to wear uniform. Some students can wear uniform if they want to, but if students that don't want to they can wear non uniform, if it isn't inappropriate, the students should be able to. Having to wear uniform can start a gang, solid colors like, red, blue and other colors can start a gang because if the solid colors, and we are trying to make school a safe place like they say it is. Not having to wear uniform can also prevent bullying, 14% of students killed themselves because of bullying, and 7% attempted it.uniforms do not solve problems, but uniforms do not help students get good grades. Most students wear clothes to express themselves, they should be able to express their feelings and show their …show more content…

Their school uniform is probably in a dresser, so they get rinckel and now they have to iron their clothes to look nice because, they will go to to school and people will talk about them because their clothes are rinkel, but their clothes that are in the closet are hung up and nice looking, now that gives them extra time to do things that they want to do in the morning like eat. Now they don't have to worry about missing the bus, and parents don't have to take them to school, which saves them

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