Tobacco Persuasive Essay

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Even though everyone knows what smoking does to your body and mind people continue to do it. The tobacco industry is one of the biggest profit making companies in the world, people from all over smoke and do not plan on quitting. One of America’s first crops was tobacco and it seems like they will not stray from it anytime soon. Over 500,000 people die prematurely from smoking. Just imagine the wonderful life they could have had if only they would just stop a disgusting habit. According to Americas Lung Association, 68% of adults were smoking when they were younger than 18, the legal age to buy tobacco is 18. In the older day, when a small child saw someone smoke they thought that it was a cool thing to do. So when they saw their mom, dad, …show more content…

70% of Americans who smoke say that they wished they never lit their first cigarette years ago. If you know you will regret it in the future then why not stop now? The crazy thing is that some people can smoke literally a full pack every day. Just imagine that, if one is cigarette is fatally bad for you, just think about smoking a full pack every day. An average amount of cigarettes in one pack is around 21, depending on the brand. Companies like Newport and Marlboro, have different kind of cigarettes called 100s. 100s are much longer than the regular and have more tobacco, more tobacco means much more chemicals. The lung associates have studied and researched tobacco products and have come up with; there are approximately 600 chemicals in one cigarette. When the heat hits or you light the cigarette the chemicals bond and create 7,000 more! Starting off with 600 is already bad now you are inhaling 7000 chemicals with each puff. To top everything off, around 70 of these chemicals are well known to be poisonous. These are just some of the few chemicals smokers are putting into their lungs: acetone (found in nail polish remover), acetic acid (an ingredient in hair dye), ammonia (a common household cleaner), arsenic (used in rat poison), benzene (found in rubber cement), butane (used in lighter