Traumatic Brain Injury Video Analysis

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A video footage recorded by Keith Lamont Scott 's wife moments before he was killed by police in Charlotte was made public on Friday.

The video has Scott 's wife pleading the police officers not to kill him. She tells them he has no gun and had just had a medicine for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) from an accident days ago.

"Don 't shoot him, don 't shoot him. He has no weapon," she is saying the video.

One of the police officers says "drop the gun, drop the gun," to which she replies "He doesn 't have a gun, he has a TBI [Traumatic Brain Injury]. He 's not going to do anything to you guys, he just took his medicine."

She continues, "Keith get out the car," she says. "Keith don 't you do it. Don 't you do it. Don 't you fucking do it."

After several gun shots are heard, she exclaims "Did you shoot …show more content…

A vigil was held for him on Wednesday night outside Pack Memorial Library in Charlotte.

"We are heartbroken and angered by the unceasing extrajudicial killings of black people around the country and right here in North Carolina," the organizers of the vigil wrote.

Candles, signs, and books were brought to the vigil, to recognize the life and death of Scott, father of seven.

The shooting led to demonstrations and riots in the city. Some of the protests were peaceful, but others rapidly turned into violent riots, looting, and vandalism.

Riot police was brought in, and tear gas along with flash bangs were used to bring the crowd under control.

One person was killed in the riots. The police say that he was shot by a civilian. About 12 police officers were injured when trying to rein in the crowd.

The police has said it will not release the video footage of body cams on the police officers who were present on the scene, until the investigation is complete.

The police video footage, without close-up, was shown to Scott 's family who could not discern what, if anything, was