
Trophy Hunting Persuasive Essay

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ShouShould the world regulate trophy hunting given the issues the world ecosystem is facing right now? Trophy hunting is a “sport” in which people pay money to hunt animals and take a part of the animal as a trophy back home. The controversy around trophy hunting is split in the middle where one side says that trophy hunting has its benefits, while the other side argues that it’s cruel and should be stopped. Trophy hunting should be regulated because it destroys the ecosystem and will make animal species in that ecosystem go extinct. With the regulations passed the earth ecosystem could heal from human exploitations. Therefore, regulating trophy hunting is necessary in order to stop the destruction of the earth’s ecosystem, end destruction …show more content…

Trophy hunting is over hunting predators thus leading to a sharp decline in their population. The drawbacks of trophy hunting are visible in the ecosystem where they are being hunted. In “Wolf Restoration” by the National Park Service, it states, “Also in the 1960s and 1970s, national awareness of environmental issues and consequences led to the passage of many laws designed to correct the mistakes of the past and help prevent similar mistakes in the future” this was the consequence of removing a top predator from the food chain. When a top predator is removed from the food chain, the ecosystem suffers a prey population explosion and eventual collapse of the ecosystem. The predators keep prey in check and prey keeps vegetation and insects in check. If the predator or prey population is overhunted, then it’s the other population that suffers because it destroys the natural balance, so one population cannot live without the other. An example is the wolves of Yellowstone National Park, where the farmers nearly hunted them to extinction to stop them from eating all their livestock. Soon the farmers saw what happens when they remove a predator from the food chain. This leads to the other reason trophy hunting should be …show more content…

Some trophy hunters' main weapon of choice is a bowhunter with 50 percent of the animals being wounded but not dead. In “Hunting” Peta addresses the pain and suffering animals endure when being hunted: “A study of 80 radio-collared white-tailed deer found that of the 22 deer who had been shot with “traditional archery equipment,” 11 were wounded but not recovered by hunters” in other words trophy hunters would shoot the animal with a arrow but intentionally let the animal escape, so they could chase it down. This causes a lot of suffering to the animal before dying, which is unnecessary and cruel. While most of the reasons why trophy hunting should be regulated are valid, there is critic that argue for the

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