Two Day Observation Answers

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I did a two day observation of ISS/SFAS recess time. Currently ISS/SFAS, does meet the recommended “one daily period of unstructured recess with at least 20 minutes in length” to provide a break from “academic rigors” (Healthzoneschools, n.d., p. 1). During this observation time, I spent the majority of my time listening to IA’s yelling at students not to do this, not to do that through a bull horn and running students’ back and forth to the nurse’s office for variety of minor injuries. No one seemed to be having fun or getting any physical activity. I saw more children sitting under the playground equipment then playing with it. The school did provide balls, but many of them were flat. I am so happy that IIS/SFAS meets the current recommendations, but I wonder if integrating some structure through organized games, activities, etc. would help get more students’ physically active. I would be curious to see if the amount of injuries would decrease?
Part E:
I observe approximately three hours at the Cambridge-Isanti Schools Adventure Center which is an extended after school program. I learned that they try to incorporate movement and physical activity as much as possible. The majority of time is dedicated to unstructured free-play both outside and inside (gym) depending on weather …show more content…

I got to see some great examples of physical education, health education, and movement is integrated in a school setting; however, I also got to see the reality of how physical activity and health education is not necessarily a priority in schools because of other academic demands. I learned that I can make a difference in my students’ lives if I understand physical activity/health education, model physical activity/health, teach physical activity/health, and become an advocate for physical/health in my classroom. I am so excited to applying everything I learned about physical activity and health education in my future