Problem Posing Education

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Paulo Freire’s chapter of Pedagogy of the Oppressed juxtaposes two types of learning: the “banking” concept and “problem-posing” education. Freire explains that education is currently in the state of the “banking” concept, where teachers deposit information to their students, similarly to how people deposit money in a bank. This provides for a lack of student knowledge, due to the fact that the teacher is the one who teaches and the student listens, sometimes. Freire believes the solution to this type of learning is “problem-posing” education, education that exists through dialogue between a teacher and a student. The two individuals are seen as partners, and they can teach each other. The goal of this type of learning is to have a problem …show more content…

Problem-posing education would help to motivate and encourage students in the classroom. I know many students at the high school level question why they have to continue in math for most of their high school years, especially when they will never use those skills after high school. Activities, such as projects, allow for students to understand how their projects could solve issues in the real world. For instance, in the case of math, projects would allow students to understand that mathematics is the basis of engineering, and can be used to solve issues like bridge safety and architecture safety in an earthquake. If kids knew why they were learning things and how their learning could help to change the world, they would enjoy learning on a much larger …show more content…

This program combined project-based learning and community issues. Students picked areas in our community that needed improvement, and spent the whole year trying to remedy the issue. An example of one of these projects was called the Swinging Giant. The project’s goal was to create more trails and outdoor community spaces within Cedar Rapids. Students formatted where they would put these community assets and took it to the city council. Their plan was approved and is currently obtaining funding from the city. Students that participate in this program feel that their learning is making a difference in their community and are much more motivated to attend these classes, compared to their regular day to day lecture classes. This shows that when faced with a problem, kids are much more likely to enjoy and succeed in their