UCD Preceptor Role Model

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The nursing education focus on providing quality nurses for the future that provide safe, evidence based and quality practice. Preceptorship is seen to be the most appropriate medium to link theory with practice and facilitate learning in the clinical environment. In this assignment, this student will critically discuss role of preceptors in linking theory and practice to facilitate learning in the clinical environment. Identifying the roles of the preceptors as being a teacher, communicator and role models to learners. This student will also integrate how a preceptor can support their student through these roles to build competence to practice.

Preceptor as a Teacher
According to UCD Preceptorship in Practice (2014) nurses’ as a preceptor …show more content…

Preceptors takes a role as role model in nursing as their relationship with their students grow. Learners will perceive the preceptors performance in their normal job as a resource of learning opportunities (UCD Preceptorship in Practice 2014). 7 principles have been identified for a preceptor to be a competent role model. It was stated that preceptors have to practise professionally using evidence based practice, share their experiences, accept feedback, appreciate their learner, promotes learning, recognise the learner as part of the team member and demonstrate and develop critical thinking to their learner (UCD Preceptorship in Practice 2014). Preceptors acting as a role model for their student links theory in their practice with regards to their knowledge and clinical skills. Their clinical skill and knowledge about hospital policies and evidence based guidelines are utilize and demonstrated during their practice (Blevins 2016). Nursing students who learns from imitation are encourage to develop a competent skills rather than taking the easy way to providing care which undermines quality of care. Although preceptors are knowledgeable, certain subjects are unknown being a role model links theory in practice by showing their learners where to get sources for practice (Blevins 2016). Sternszus and Cruess (2016) explained that Bandura’s social learning theory indicated that leaners adopt the behaviour of the role models through observing what is being modelled, cognitive interpretations, replicating the modelled behaviour and eagerness to utilize this knowledge. It has been suggested that the social learning theory can used for clinical learning to teach certain behaviour and skills by designing situations with planned stimuli’s organized in a way the learner is