Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beacher Stowe

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Written by Harriet Beacher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin became quite the phenomenon. She mainly wrote this book in response to the Fugitive Slave act of 1850, which says that you could not help runaway slaves. Although, historians will go as far to say this book is what started the outbreak of the civil war. The book focuses around african american slaves, and specifically a middle aged man named Uncle Tom and his family. He had a wife and children. The book begins with Mr. and Mrs. Shelby, who actually care and for the most part value their slaves. They are about to lose everything they have. They do not want to, but their only choice is to sell some of their slaves to a slave trader, Haley. The slaves they are going to sell are Uncle Tom and his family along with son of Mrs. Shelby’s maid (Eliza), Harry. …show more content…

After warning them Eliza takes Harry and flees. Trying to meet up with her husband to find freedom. Haley sends slave hunters after them. While being tracked down Eliza and Harry still make it to a Quaker Settlement where George, her husband is. The Quakers agree to help take them to their destination, which is Canada. Uncle Tom is than separated from his family by Haley. He is sent to a slave market in a boat on the Mississippi River. He met a little white girl named Eva and became very fond of her. She fell into the river and as everyone else watched Tom jumped in to save her. Eva’s then convinces her dad to buy this slave from Haley. Once bought Uncle Tom travels home to New Orleans with them. He is told he will be their coach driver. Uncle Tom and Eva become closer, and through christianity as well. She helps him write a letter to his family since his education is not prime, so it is hard for him to write. To be continued as I finish the