Underrepresentation Of Women In The Media Essay

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Women have achieve a lot through history, but would you believe me if I told you that there are still struggling to be equal in a male dominated society? Although it might sound like an earlier century issue, women still struggle to be an equal part of society. In this case, it’s on the media. If you think about it, women are very rarely mentioned on news articles, according to Global Media Monitoring Project 76% of the people heard or read about in the world 's news are male. (PR Newswire, 2010) Hence, the main question is how is there an underrepresentation of women in current news stories and the reasons why this is still a relevant issue in our era. To understand its relevancy, we must look at the past first. All through the history women have been underrepresented. As mentioned in Time Trends in printed news coverage of female subject 1880-2008, “throughout modern history, female subjects have been substantially underrepresented in their press coverage and the coverage remains notably low even in recent decades. Male names continue to dominate every single section of leading American newspapers, and female names remain far less visible to the public eye. “(Shor, E., …show more content…

Therefore, they have a major say in what and whom the news article are going to cover. As Ballinger explains that women are demanded less in the news because the majority of those in charge such editor are men, and they’d rather have the articles that have a male perspective (Baitinger, G. (2015). This shows that a potential reason for the underrepresentation is the constant male domination. Women and men are not presented the same way because of the male domination. (Ross, K., & Carter, C., 2011). As mentioned men have they say on what is newsworthy and what isn’t and it is evident that male favor males, therefore they’d rather have an article that focuses on men related topics, than on women related