Understand The Conflicts Inherent In Change While At The Same Time Manage For Wellbeing In Organizations

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How can we as managers at once understand the conflicts inherent in change while at the same time manage for wellbeing in organizations?

There are many benefits of change when it comes to an organization. An organization usually makes a plan then implements the plan. This allows for the organization to come up with a plan and then make sure that everyone know what the plan is. It is somewhat like creating goals. You have to know what the goal is in order to work towards it and achieve it. These goals serve as a motivator for people to go above and beyond what is asked of them.

When a company is looking to make a change they usually look at all of the possible outcomes. The overall goal of course is to make the company more profitable. If …show more content…

A change can’t shut the entire company down. They still have work to do even when change occurs. When changes occur it can take time for people to adjust. One way to avoid confusing and disgust about change is to prepare people. If they know it is coming than they are more likely to accept it. If they know what the change is and they and knowledge about it then it might be less confusing for them.

When change is needed, employees like to be involved in the process. This can be done a couple of different way. Employees can sit in on meetings and bounce ideas off each other. This doesn’t mean that you have to use their ideas, but you can build off of each other. Another way to involve employees would be through surveys or by just simply talking to them and figuring out what changes need to be done or what areas need improvement.

With anything good there is also bad. Conflicts or problems can occur with change. Communication is probably the biggest problem when it comes to change. Sometimes an organization will just make a change and put it in affect right away. If you’re not right there you might not be aware of the change. You might have to hear it from a coworker, which isn’t the best option. Employees need to hear the change plan directly from a manager rather than a coworker. Coworkers could leave things out or even sway the persons feeling about the

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