Unhealthy Food In Schools

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Introductions (no hook yet): Children depend on junk food when they get to school. Whether it be the flaming hot cheetos they always walk past in the lunch line that they just can´t resist, or a pizza that they serve daily. As much as the kids will appreciate the never ending pizza and soda lunches, their bodies would say otherwise. This kind of food being served to students is extremely unhealthy. Kids will most likely alway choose junk food over the healthier option, causing the amount of obese children to increase drasticly, enabling unhealthy habits for these students in the future, and to their children.

Paragraph 1: Moreover, kids are constantly choosing junk food over healthy food, and who's to blame them? In other words, if …show more content…

They don´t give the kids enough time to eat, students have their eyes glued to the junk food they present them with, and schools are responsible for 50% of kids calorie intake. Youth have no choice in what they eat at school due to lack of time for eating, money for outside of school meals and the fact that schools present fifty percent of a child´s daily calorie intake. In a New York times article, Katy Murphy mentions that kids don't have enough time to finish their lunches so they will usually pay attention to the junk food. If schools were to ban junk food, they would have more time to notice their more healthier options, thus helping them to make better nutritional choices. In the same article, Murphy says something that made me think. ¨….children either toss out the healthier meals or opt to brown bag it.¨. Now, this may lead you to the conclusion that if we drop junk food and switch to only healthy food, children will just bring …show more content…

An organization called Project Bread posted an article stating, ¨School meals not only have the potential to affect a student’s lifelong eating habits, but also to have an immediate impact on their health, day-to-day.¨. This means that if we put a stop to serving junk food we could have not only a great impact on children for their school life but also have an impact on their eating habits for their future, thus giving them a longer, healthier, happier life. Some people will argue, like a scholastic article that states that keeping junk food from students will teach them how to make healthier choices, but it just isn't working. ¨As another health article that talks about why schools are dropping certain health programs, it states ¨3% were considering abandoning the program…why? Kids aren’t buying the better-for-them options in the cafeteria, and that’s leading to a drop in revenue for some schools.¨ So the better choice would be to cut junk food out since keeping it obviously isn´t teaching them anything. If we take the better route and drop junk food, that may not only be beneficial to our generation, but be beneficial future generations to come. them how to make healthier choices, but it just isn't working. As another health article that talks about why schools are dropping certain health programs, it states ¨3% were considering abandoning the