Unprofessional Conduct Essay

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Working in the field the author as witnessed a number of unprofessional conduct, ranging from the hospitals, to the ambulance services, the author would like to think she has seen it all. In one particular instance, the author was booked on shift with an emergency service provider. As one of the author’s first call for the day we responded to a 5year old boy that fell from a height and sustained a concussion. After loading the patient on route to the hospital the patient’s Glasgow coma scale (GCS) dropped to from 14/15 to 12/15 and the patient became very sleepy, the author decided to give oxygen asking help from the on-duty practitioner to connect the oxygen mask top the oxygen supply, however, the practitioner was unable to connect the oxygen …show more content…

From doctors not introducing themselves, explaining to patient about their condition and/or pharmacists not explaining to patients how to take a certain medication, these are all ‘small’ forms of unprofessional, this brings as to the following question.. What is unprofessional conduct?
According to the Georgia Composite Medical Board (2012), as stated by the medical act " any departure from or failure to conform to the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing medical practice and shall also include, but not be limited to the prescribing or use of drugs, treatment or diagnostic procedures which are detrimental to the patient as determined by the minimal standards of acceptable medical care ".
The Health Professions Act (2010) furthermore explains that unprofessional conduct can be a situation that demonstrates incompetency in a skill and a lack of ethics. Incompetency in a skill can be either performing a skill. Lack of a skill can either be inability to perform a skill that a normal competent practitioner, on the same skill level would perform or it can be a lack a degree of care and quality when performing the skill comparing it other competent