Uranus Creation

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The Creation of Earth
At first there was only pitch black darkness or as also called Chaos. Then out of nowhere appeared Erebus - a place where death dwells, and Night. Everywhere else there was eternal darkness and silent. Erebus and Night gave birth to Ether - the heaven light and Earth’s light. Night on its own created Doom, Fate, Death, Sleep, and dreams. It also created Nemesis - a goddess of divine retribution and revenge, who would show her wrath to any human being that disrespects the gods. Meanwhile, Gaea the Earth, the mother of everything met Uranus, the sky. Uranus told Gaea “Do you want to get married?”. Gaea told him “Yes, I want to marry you, Uranus”. Together, they produced three Cyclops which were gigantic one eyed monsters, three Hecatoncheires with one hundred hands, and twelve Titans.
Uranus turned out to be a very cruel father and husband. He hated the Hecatoncheires and imprisoned them by pushing them into hidden places of the earth. Gaea, the mother was angered by this and she tried to get the children to attack Uranus. All were too afraid, except the youngest Kronus. Kronus sneaked up on his …show more content…

He and the Titans, except Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Oceanus, fought to retain their power. This led to the War between the Titans, and the Olympians, called Titanomachy. Atlas became their leader in battle. It looked for some time as though they would win and put the young gods down. However, Zeus was cunning; he went to Tartarus and freed the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires. Prometheus joined Zeus as well. He returned to battle with his new allies; the Cyclopes provided Zeus with lightning bolts for weapons; the Hecatoncheires were armed with boulders, waiting in an ambush. At the right time, Zeus retreated, drawing the Titans into the Hecatoncheires’ ambush, who rained down hundreds of boulders with such a fury that the Titans thought the mountains were falling on them. They ran away, leaving Zeus