
Urban School Counselor Interview Paper

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I decided to interview an urban school counselor to view the strategies used to help enhance the quality of life of their school students. After several attempts to reach a school counselor, I was fortunate enough to interview the AP of Guidance and the Parent Coordinator of a high school that could account for the way advocacy was being provided for their students. When I expressed my concern with not reaching able to reach a school counselor, they explained to me that their “Guidance Counselors” are preoccupied with tasks like scheduling and transcript evaluation; That they barely have time for students let alone answering phone calls. I chose this school because it is underachieving, in an urban community, and it’s student to student …show more content…

The first one is in the school itself, this is where students spend a large portion of their day which can extend into after-school programs. The second community, is the community in which the school is located in. Even though that community's population is prominently Russian, they make up about nine percent of students that attends the school. Last community is where most of the students live in. Most of their students do not live in their school community. According to both the AP of Guidance and the Parent Coordinator, most of their students come from different communities in which more than eighty-five percent of their school students are Minorities. By taking into all three communities into consideration, the school will be better prepared to help increase parent and community engagement. The guidance counselor's involvement in getting both the parents and community engaged in the school was temporary. They offered information sessions during school nights, Saturday school and at a College. Few parents attended to these sessions which took a lot of time and resources to prepare. The college session was to help prepare students for college with …show more content…

This includes their interaction with their caregivers, personal community, and the school's internal and external community they interact with. The combinations of these variables can either have a positive or negative effect on them enhancing their quality of life. This is even more true with any professional that plans to or is already working in the urban school environment. Urban schools need school counselors that are trained advocates, multicultural competent and can meet others in their here and now. Historically, urban schools have been grossly neglected of those types of professionals and that is why I plan to spend my entire career as a school counselor working in urban School. I first met a school counselor in high school. The reason was due to a teacher, I believed had a vendetta against me. At this point in my life, I wanted to become a lawyer and entered the elective law program. He failed me twice even though I earned a passing grade. I provided proof that I did not deserve to fail. He told me not to worry about the failing grade, that it is just an elective course. I guess my Caucasian school counselor did not realize that his student was on the verge of dropping out. That would be my last time visiting him. From that moment, I became an advocate for myself and others. Ultimately, I do not foresee

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