
School Counselor Interview Paper

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The first person that I interviewed was Brittany who is a school counselor for an elementary and high school. Brittany graduated from Black Hills State in 2010 and continued her education at the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota to receive her Master’s degree in School Counseling. Brittany has been a counselor now for Lyman High School and Elementary for six years now.
When I asked Brittany what was the most difficult thing about your job, she responded that trying to manage your time to both elementary students and high school students tends to be difficult. She feels as if she is wearing “multiple hats.” She’s not only a counselor to the school, but a friend, co-worker, coach, and academic advisor. She feels as if she tends to …show more content…

Never stop learning with the students, everything around us is always changing and if you don’t understand, you’ll be lost and it’ll be difficult for you to catch up. Another piece of advice that Brittany shared with me was that an individual would need to be able to adapt to new learning strategies. An individual can’t be afraid of technology, because it is constantly changing. Technology has changed immensely just in the last couple of years. I thought all of these tips of advice were important regarding anyone going into her …show more content…

She said although it may have been time consuming, she wouldn’t be where she is today if her parents wouldn’t have been so supportive. She can’t thank her parents enough to allow herself to future her education, even if that meant being far away from home. The counselor that Brittany’s high school had influenced her to continue on to help other individual to have a better life. She was Brittany’s mentor and Brittany’s role model in high school, which influenced Brittany to be where she is today. Brittany’s support system along her journey of becoming a counselor influenced and made her where she is

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