VIT 5 Dimensions Model Of Action Research

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Formative feedback is vital for students to become well informed of themselves as learners. As noted by Brookhart (2008), Chappuis & Chappuis (2008) and Hattie and Timperley (2007), when provided with positive, specific, direct, relevant and useful information on how to improve students are empowered with ownership of success and learning progressions occur. However, it is vital teachers select the most appropriate category of feedback to ensure communication is effective.

I will be on placement in a Level 3/4 class at Brunswick North Primary School, a co-educational school that caters to over 500 students from culturally diverse backgrounds. The action research will involve me implementing the category of deliberating feedback in literacy …show more content…

Research by Hattie & Timperley (2007), Brookhart (2008) and Eriksson, Bjorklund Boistrp, & Thornberg (2016) shows direct links between effective feedback and learning progressions. However, it is vital teachers select specific feedback categories to ensure they are appropriate to the context in which they are applied. For this action research project I will be following Timperley’s (2011) evidence based professional learning cycle, the VIT 5 Dimensions Model of …show more content…

At this stage, I will research current literature focused on addressing the instructional practice of ‘Effective feedback for students to enhance learning’ to ensure I respond to student needs. In the third dimension, where I aim to deepen my professional knowledge and skills, I will continue researching academic literature to assist me in developing my action research proposal. In the fourth dimension, where the aim is to engage students in new learning experiences, I will be implementing my action research proposal into the classroom based on my research and data collection. In the fifth dimension, where the aim is to determine the impact of my changed actions, I will evaluate the data to make informed discussions about what to do next. It is expected throughout this project I will cycle between the dimensions numerous times as students specific learning goals change and to alter learning experiences if they are not effective.

2.2 Link to AITSL Standards
Whilst there are innumerable Australian Professional Standards for Graduate Teachers that connect to this research, the following four are the most pertinent standards that cover this