VPK Classroom Analysis

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In a four year old VPK classroom there are different types of learners, the three common types of learners are visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic. On the Ability Path website it mentions that visual learners learn best through what they observe, such the facial expression and body language. Visual learners learn best through demonstrations rather than just being given directions, because visual learners learn best through demonstration too much movement in the classroom could be a distraction in the classroom. Most visual learners tend to have very active imaginations, and think in pictures. An example of a math activity could be counting with M&M’s, counting M&M’s and being able to move each M&M as they count each one will …show more content…

Learning disabilities are often grouped into three categories: speech or language disorders; problems with reading, writing, or math skills; and a range of other disorders such as problems with coordination, motor skills, or memory” (“Early Warning Signs of a Learning Disability”). Some of the most common disabilities are Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia Auditory and Visual Processing Disabilities. Dyslexia is a language based disability in VPK the child usually has trouble possessing words, letters and numbers correctly. Similar to dyslexia dyscalculia, which is a mathematical disability causing someone to have difficulties solving mathematical problems or have difficulties grasping math concepts, solving puzzles or anything else in that nature. Another learning disability in which I previously names is dysgraphia, a disability that prevents someone from being able to write and form letters properly, and could cause trouble writing in a defined space. The last disability that I mentioned is auditory and visual processing disabilities, which is having trouble hearing and understanding despite having normal hearing and vision (“Early Warning Signs of Learning Disabilities | LD Topics | LD Online). Some of the various warning sign for learning disabilities could be having trouble pronouncing words, limited speech, …show more content…

What students learn in VPK is extremely crucial to their developmental learning progress for the years to come. By the time the students graduate from VPK they have already retained most of the basics of learning. Ultimately teacher’s responsibilities go beyond just the teaching aspect. Teachers need to know their students well enough that they will be able to detect when there’s a problem such as a learning disability or abuse and they are obligated to report any suspicions.. Teachers also, have to know each type of learner and be able to identify which types of learners each of his or her students