Vicarious Traumatization: A Case Study

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Autumn Albers Mrs. Byers Comp. 1-8 Oct, 26, 2015 ‘The effect of childhood trauma, personal wellness, supervisory working alliance, and organizational factors on vicarious traumatization’ by Elysia V. Clemens, Heather M. Helm, and Amy M. Williams Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 34.2 Page 133 Apr. 2012 SUMMARY Firstly the article talks about Vicarious Traumatization (VT) and what it is. VT is when a therapist or a counselor is working with a trauma victim and experiences the patient's symptoms. The article stated that this is the most extreme extreme effect of working with patients and especially trauma patients. The symptoms can become quite severe; they can include loss of energy, cynicism, nightmares, depression, dissociation

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