
Vincent Van Gogh Research Paper

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Vincent Willem Van Gogh better known as just Vincent Van Gogh was considered one of the world’s best painters during the post-impressionist era and is still know till this day as one of the greatest painters ever for his well renowned master pieces. Vicente Van Gogh was born to Theodorus Van Gogh and Anna Cornelia Carbentus on March 30th 1853 in Groot-Zindart, Netherlands, Van Gogh father was a country minister who was austere and his mother was an artist who used watercolors and loved everything nature, the creativity in his mother was later passed down to him. Van Gogh was born exactly one year after his brother who was born as a stillborn; he was also given the same name as his dead older brother. Vincent was raised in a very religious family; …show more content…

Van Gogh was a very quiet child and he was also melancholy meaning he was always in a gloomy state of mind, a lot of people consider this as being depressed. Van Gogh family struggled financially having him leaves school at a very young age to go work and bring in money for the family. Van Gogh completed a very fragmented array of education. At the age of 15 he began working at his uncles art dealership. The Art dealership was a part of an Art Firm, which had many different branches. This art dealership was Van Gogh’s stepping-stone into the art world; although he was surrounded by art Van Gogh still didn’t decided to procure a career as an artist, instead he set out learn and become more involved in the art dealing world. Van Gogh was later transferred to Groupil Gallery in London. Van Gogh began to fall in love with everything in London, the language the life style and the culture. During his time working at an array of art Dealerships and Art galleries he set out to become a professional Art dealer. Van Gogh spent a lot of his time visiting art galleries and studying many different writers, two of his favorite writer was Charles Dickens and George Eliot, he fell in love with there writing. Van Gogh was transferred between Art Dealerships in Paris and London Several …show more content…

Theo was decided to procure a career in Art Dealing as well as many of Van Gogh’s other siblings. Van Gogh Wrote a lot of letters and most of them where sent to his younger brother Theo, during the time where Van Gogh Was going through a lot he kept in close contact with, his younger brother inspired him to began taking painting seriously and inspired him to use his drawing to inspire others. With the pressure from his brother and his desire to leave something behind for the people he decided to take painting serious. Although he decided to become an Artist, he still was preaching and wanted to spread the word of the church. During the winter of 1878 Van Gogh decided to move to an area that was very poor to preach to the sick. The people of this area all worked at a coal mine and came down with conditions that where caused by the coal mine. While Van Gogh was here he Preached and drew pictures of the miners and sick people. Van Gogh was so loved in the area the people called him Christ of the coal Mines, People of the Evangelistic committee where very unpleased with this. Van Gogh eventually had to find another occupation because the refuse to renew his contract in order for him to stay in the

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