Violent Video Games With Regulated Violence

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role-playing games with simulated violence are perilous for kids because it increases their exposure to violence . In one article that shows the pros and cons of video games and how they are perilous said, “60% of middle school boys and 40% of middle school girls who played at least one Mature-rated (M-rated) game hit or beat up someone.”This shows that video games can increase teens´ violent behavior. This also shows that games with violence can be dangerous to kids. In addition, in the same article, it said,“Simulating violence such as shooting guns and hand-to-hand combat in video games can cause real-life violent behavior.” This supports that video games with violent act may cause more fights in school.This also supports that kids can …show more content…

In one article that shows the pros and cons of video games and how they are perilous said, “Simulating violence such as shooting guns and hand-to-hand combat in video games can cause real-life violent behavior.” For example,In one article that shows the pros and cons of video games and how they are perilous said, “Simulating violence such as shooting guns and hand-to-hand combat in video games can cause real-life violent behavior.”This shows that violent video games can lead to more aggression,bullying, and fighting. This also shows that video games with violence can be influential to how teens behave. In addition, in the same article, it says, “young children are more likely to confuse fantasy violence with real world violence.” This supports that video games with violence may lead to teen confusion about the real world. This also supports that kids can be put in jail for the way they let out their agression. However, people think that violent video games are good for kids because certain types of games can help kids learn problem-solving skills and creativity. Even though some may believe that violent video games are good for kids, in the article “8 Ways Violent Games Are Bad for Your Kids” it says “ To kids, virtual experiences feel very real, not only because the graphics today are so amazing, but because they are taking on a first-person role in the killing process. Rather than just passively watching a rated-R violent movie, when kids play a game, they are one of the main characters inside the adventure. The entire experience becomes a more meaningful — and deadly - in their brains, which are forming new connections every day.” This proves that violent video games are bad for kids. As you can see, violent video games can lead to more aggression,bullying, and