's A Duel: How Do Violent Video Games Affect Kids?

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One controversial topic among parents and scientists is simulated violence games. Simulated violence, most commonly found in the form of video games, can be especially problematic to teens because it will make them more immune to violence. Also, kids who play violent video games tend to be aggressive and hurtful. Lastly, it takes time away from other important activities. Although some people may say that violent video games are harmless, there are many researchers who have done studies which show otherwise.

One main reason that violent role-playing games can be harmful to teens is that they make them (word for immune) to violence. A study done by Brad Bushman, a social psychologist at The Ohio State University, consisted of showing teens violent pictures such as a man shoving a gun down someone’s throat. What he found was this; “For people who were exposed to a lot of violent video games, their brains did not respond to the violent images. They were numb, if you will.” This makes it clear that playing violent video games can cause kids to not react at all to violence, which will lead to problems in future violent situations which could actually matter. …show more content…

As Shankar Vedantam explained in “It’s A Duel: How Do Violent Video Games Affect Kids?”, video games desensitize young people. “Compared to people in the real world who are gentle and compassionate, students playing these games seem to be mean and hurtful,” he told us. He goes to further explain how everybody who played the violent games were more aggressive, they even went as far as to blast loud noises in other’s ears. This goes to show that violent games are harmful because in almost all cases, they make teens more aggressive and (word for