
Virginia Woolf Research Paper

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“The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts are cages” (gtd. at Ockerbloom) These are the words of author Virginia Woolf in “An Unwritten Novel” from Monday or Tuesday. Woolf explains the hurt of depression she suffered with as she writes to cope with it. Woolf was a British author who wrote in the early nineteenth century. She was known as a critic, essayist and an English novelist. Influenced by other authors, her life experiences, and the historical period, Virginia Woolf developed a style of writing that has made her a well respected novelist. Influenced and too be Influenced, Virginia Woolf was excelling in her writing from the people in her life. Leslie Woolf who is not just Virginia's father, but also a historian and author, created a huge impact on Woolf's life. As a young …show more content…

Leslie gave Woolf full access to his extensive library, propelling her to learn more about literature. He started out guiding her through different choices of books, but sooner let her go on her own as she was figuring out what she was interested in and had an appetite for learning more. Encouraging her reading and writing, Leslie had stated that she was “devouring books almost faster than he liked” (Mills 23). Woolf was about eleven when she started being more interested into classics as she continued to get home schooled with tutors. Not only did her father impact her, but also her husband who she later married on in her life. Leonard Woolf was a young writer and critic from Cambridge. He had an interest in economics, labor movement, and literature. Leonard was a big influence showing same interests as Virginia. They started publishing important books together like the Prelude by Katherine Mansfield then later as by Unknown, Poems by T.S. Eliot, and Kew Gardens by Woolf. As Writers of their own, they favored young and mysterious writers. The Woolfs liked to publish best and original work that came to attention to people. For example The Hogarth Press, which was

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