Visual And Intellectual Unity Study Guide

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3. CHAPTER THREE 3.1. Visual and Intellectual Unity Unity is creating by repetition. By unity we are creating the elements which will cooperate. Elements should look like they are carefully picked to work together, not just spread on the page. Unity enable viewers to see the whole, not just some parts. You first decide what will your design be, and than choose elements that are propriate for your design. That is the best way to acchieve unity. When your elements agree you achieved unity. Design principles such as contrast, repetition, alignment or proximity could be used to help you in that achievement. We recognize two types of unity. Intellectual unity is reached when there is one common theme, while Visual unity is reached when elements are similar by color, shape or size. 3.2. Visual Dynamic …show more content…

Visually we can define as something that we see, while dynamic is related to moving. What we percieve are series of shapes and colors, but what we experience is dynamic. Visual dynamic adds visual weight, and creates visual interest. There are three ways of Visual dynamic. First one is top to bottom.Graphic designers put more elements at the bottom to make their work look more stabel. When objects are mostly arragned at the top of a paper, we feel uncomdortable. Vertical and horizontal way of acchieving visual dynamic is the most stable one. We percieve diagonal lines as the dynamic. Lef to right is the third way. Like in reading, left side has priority. Graphic designers puts more elements on the left side. That influence the way we look for