
Waitrose's Black And White Christmas Advertising Campaign

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Waitrose’ s recent black and white Christmas advertising campaign “snowed in”, created by advertising agency Adam & Eve/DDB has been released across social media channels, from websites to cinemas. A story book “Let It Snow” has also been created along with the television campaign. Waitrose focuses on the message of “Christmas together”, and highlights the essential role that food play in bringing the community together and evoking the community spirit. This analysis will focus on the intended audience, message, key themes and channel used by Waitrose, as well as evaluating how the campaign can be improved.

Intended Audience

Waitrose’ s Christmas campaign has a clear demographic on both male and female from age 35 to 65 in the middle and working class, which are categories B-C2 …show more content…

This is a habit that British adults and old people can refer to, which makes the campaign appealing to “full nest 2”, “empty nest” and “retirement” according to Rowley’s “life stage” model (1997). David Fraser commented that “this is an ad that is aimed squarely and exclusively at Waitrose's core customer - middle England, a little older and families” (Smith, 2017). So it can be argued that Waitrose’ s intended audience are people who have a stable living environment and disposable income. Teenagers are not a part of their targeted audience, so technological elements are hardly involved in their television campaign. It can be understood as people in early life stage, such as “single living with parents” or “single in rented/shared accommodation” are not normally responsible for hosting Christmas dinner and purchasing Christmas food. Young adults are also more likely to go to retailers which featuring price advantage for food instead of Waitrose. Overall it can be seen that Waitrose’ s campaign was designed for a clear target market and intended

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