Walt Disney Research Paper

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“If you can dream it, you can do it,” Walt Disney said. Disney is saying that you can do anything you dream if you put your mind to it. In short, he’s stating nothing is impossible to do, or you can achieve the impossible. Movies only existed in black and white before Walt Disney. Also, when World War II was going on, Disney made encouraging movies to keep people away from the troubles happening in the world around them. And although he hated school, Walt Disney made heartwarming and money-making movies and is truly the greatest animator of all time.

Even though Disney had his own successful company, his childhood was tough. Walt Disney was born December 5th, 1901 to a poor family in Hermosa, Chicago, Illinois. When he was a baby, his older brother, Roy, would buy him toys with his own money to make him happy. When he was sent to school at age eight, he didn’t like it much. He wouldn’t pay attention, he didn’t listen, and he would doodle on his papers. At this time, Disney became very mischievous. He made a little circus tent out of burlap bags and tried to train cats to do tricks. His friends would pay to get in, and his parents would make him give the money back. (1) At age 16, Disney …show more content…

Sadly, he died at age 65 on December 15th, 1966 due to lung cancer. With him being alive, he changed the world of animation by creating the first ever colored animation. He also started an amusement park in Anaheim, California before he died that is still in used today.(3) Additionally, his words still inspire people to this day, such as “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them,” because it tells people that their dreams will come true if you want it enough. Finally, people still remember him, and this is because he worked hard to get what he dreamed about and made heartwarming movies. Even with hard times, he made a big impact on the world