Augustus Caesar was a Roman emperor who was brought into office in 27 B.C after the republic was destroyed by his great uncle and adopted father, Julius Caesar. Augustus was able to establish the mighty and powerful Roman Empire and ruled it for almost 40 years. The years before he ruled, Rome suffered from civil wars and political violence. But Caesar managed to restore peace and order within a short period of time after he was made ruler.
Unlike Julius Caesar, he ruled the Roman Empire for less than one year and he did not make as many impactful accomplishments as Augustus did. This is why I can prove Augustus Caesar was the better leader.
One reason I believe this is because Augustus led the transformation of Rome from a republic to an empire. For example, under his reign, emperors were able to gain the ability to introduce and veto laws, as well as lead the army. Furthermore, the emperor had significant authority over those who served in lower-level positions in Rome. No citizen could hold office without the emperor's consent. As a result of this readjust of power, the popular assemblies that functioned during the Republican period became less important and lost power. Which was an advantage for Augustus and his empire. Also during his reign, he changed nearly every aspect of Roman life for the better, which
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In an account written by a Roman soldier, he says that “Augustus was forced to hold the office of consul eleven times in a row, despite his frequent efforts to refuse. But he stubbornly refused the dictatorship, which people precisely offered to him.” This reveals that Augustus didn’t care about his public title he had and only cared about bettering Rome for his people, showing that he was a very humble and determined leader to Rome. Along with not caring about his title, he was also a very good military leader and truly restored Rome to its highest