What Does It Mean To Be Educated?

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“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself (John Dewey)”. Education is important to understand the world around us, but what does it mean to be educated? A belief about what education is varies from different areas and cultures around the world. Differences of education between different societies, countries, and in total is exponential.
¶ 2 Are you smart? Have you gone to school? Does that make you educated? Whether you have gone to school for twelve or more years or apprenticed for a master at one particular skill, both can be considered having an education. Many may believe having a high school education or a GED and a degree from a college would assert that someone is educated. Thomas Edison and Bill Gates, Steve …show more content…

Students are far more concerned with going out with friends and being a kid than to learn information that many would forget in a matter of weeks. The Finnish model of education exhibits short school days with a myriad of extracurricular activities and flexibility outside the classroom. Fins teachers teach 600 hours while American teachers teach double that. European and Asian countries teach students foreign languages from a young age and by the time the students graduate they are fluent in that language. German school systems allow students to choose whether they want to continue going to school or learn a specific skill and apprenticeship. Students and their families get together to decide was early as the fourth grade to decide which career path students wish to take. A few years back, I went to school in Romania and much like the American school system I had to memorize lists of words and formulas. The main difference (other than the lectures being in Romanian) was the school days were much shorter and students were allowed to take an hour off for lunch. In sum schools systems vary from different countries, although they still may have some of the same problems ¶5 All in all,