What Does The Policy Say About The Use Of Corporal Punishment

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Box 2. Interview questions for teacher participants
Understanding teacher’s interpretations of corporal punishment
a. What is corporal punishment? What does it mean to you?
Understanding the underlying motivations for using corporal punishment through exploring of opinions on behaviours, actions, roles and relations
b. What student behaviours/attitudes/actions that you find appalling?
c. Would you corporally punish students when they behave and act in such way? Please explain reasons for reaction(s).
d. What do you hope to achieve when you use corporal punishment?
e. What motivates you to resort to corporal punishment? Why not other alternatives?
f. How do you perceive your students and their roles in schools?
g. How do you perceive a ‘good’ …show more content…

Is physically punishing children part of children’s rights? Explain answer.
Understanding their interpretations and perceptions of the policy
o. Are you aware of the policy relating to corporal punishment in school?
p. If aware, how did you know about this policy? Were you part of the policy consultation process?
q. What does the policy say about the use of corporal punishment?
r. Do you agree/disagree with what it says and why?
s. Why do you think the government implements such policy?
t. Is there any part of the policy that you feel is inappropriate and why?
u. What can you say about the alternatives suggested in the policy? Is there any particular alternative that you use/prefer to use?
Understanding why corporal punishment incidents are rarely reported
v. Imagine seeing another teacher hitting a student, would you report the matter to the school principal? Would you stop the teacher from doing so? What would be your instant reaction and why?
w. Imagine your child being corporally punished by a teacher, what would you do and why would you react in such way?
x. Have you ever experienced a situation whereby a student/parent complain about your use of corporal punishment? Would you like to share with me those