
What I Learned Throughout The Nutrition Class

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I learned throughout the course of this class that there are many components to maintaining a state of well being and that health and wellness aren’t the same thing. I came to understand better the multiple categories of wellness that compose the broad subject in general. We also discussed the various attributes of physical wellness that range from the strength of the heart to the flexibility of our joints. There was a great deal of information that came from this class that will be beneficial to have in the future as it gives multiple tips to keeping oneself in a state of homeostasis. Nutrition and stress management are also huge factors within the balance of things as well. In terms of my lifestyle, I feel as though I am still too sedentary …show more content…

Physically speaking, I can take up doing simple things such as push ups, squats, planks, and so on in order to start small and potentially move onto more complicated exercises once I start getting into shape. Walking and or running wouldn’t kill me either so that would probably be beneficial. In terms of my emotions, I will have to go against everything that I’ve been taught growing up over the years. From the media to how my family acts around one another, I’ll have to remember that it’s perfectly normal to talk about what I’m feeling instead of sitting there in a seething rage and or quite sad. Aside from that, I feel as though I’m pretty good with the others. Perhaps I’ll take on some extra activities within my community to improve my social and intellectual wellness at the same time being as which there’s always something to learn from someone else. As long as I continue to manage my cash; I feel like I’ll be fine within that category of wellness. I will continue my meditation sessions when I need to relieve some stress. In terms of work I’m moving into something that I’ve wanted to do for a while now, so I’ll be able to keep my occupational life satisfied with being happy at work. In short, I’ll be monitoring my seven wellness types and keeping them all up to snuff. I’ll also need to start eating healthier foods to maintain proper dietary needs such as

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