What Is Stress, Cynicism And Suicide Affect Teenagers?

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Antonio was found over dosed one Sunday morning. His mom found him lying on his bed where she would always tell him stories to go sleep as a kid. He had over dosed due to his depression, they later said. Suicide has many different types of reasons that someone would do something to hurt themselves or take their lives away. The easiest way to handle complications is taking your life away or some people think, like Antonio. What is the point in living if your life is already over? So most teenagers think that being a teenager is harsh. Stress, cynicism and depression affect nearly all teens at one point of their lives. There is not much behind these lonely teens that have pushed them to the last straw. The question is why? What could possibly …show more content…

There’s nothing that can be taken back and many bullies find it easy to target their victims publically. The bullies are making themselves look and feel stronger on a daily basis. Social media is also an easy way to tease the victims to the point where they make their victims feel isolated from everyone. At school, a kid can post something that happened and within minutes everyone knows about it. An embarrassing event happens to someone at the end of the day, and it will be up on their timeline when they get out of school. These victims that are cyberbullied can’t do anything about it because now everyone can see it. Furthermore, cyberbullying continues even if there is awareness because most of the people don’t say anything about it or tell their parents. Children are afraid to tell their parents for fear of what they can do or them not understanding technology as much. Most of the parents usually are not caught or are using the internet in other ways. Parents don’t get to see what it is doing to their kids and how much pain is occurring to them. Also, school administration sometimes doesn’t take enough actions in punishing the students that are involved in cyberbullying. Most of the time, the reason for this is because they either let authorities take over so they won’t have to be responsible for actions that aren’t being done at school. Peers don’t encourage the other students to stop because …show more content…

About half of the teens said that they always felt stressed. High school or college teenagers are very overwhelmed with everything they have going on in their lives. They are so young and have a lot of adult decisions to make that their futures depend on. At that age, they are pressured into finding the right college, leaving for college, and overwhelmed with all the school work. In addition, friends also cause a lot of stress, too and teens feel pressured into having sexual relationships because their friends are doing it too. Relationships cause lots of stress on them as well, especially when they break up with their partner. As a result, the drama that occurs within these relationships is very overwhelming. They already have enough stress to deal with as it is. There are so many teenagers that put up with on a daily basis, and even more is added to their emotional and stressful problems. At this age they are still trying to figure out who they are and they also have the pressure of trying to become picture-perfect for everybody