What Is The American Dream Alive Essay

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The American Dream The American Dream is alive and well. This “dream” is the belief that everyone in the United States are equal and can be successful just as much as anyone else can. There is always a way to achieve what is wanted, it’s just that there must be effort inserted into getting it. The American Dream is a topic constantly debated, but anyone could achieve if they try. To achieve the American Dream, pain and work is required. Success comes from putting oneself through the pain and heartache of work. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there has been a rapid decrease in High school dropout rates since 1990 (qtd. In PBS). These students who have chosen to stay with their education now have a drastically better chance at accomplishing theirs goals in life and doing the job …show more content…

Everything in the world is achievable if one wants it bad enough. In a point taken from “Is the American Dream Dead or Alive?” video, it is said 70% of women own their own small businesses (qtd. In PBS). This number has gone up drastically over the years. Used to, no one would believe a woman could work, let alone own her own business. Now, this is a common thing; nothing is impossible for any race or gender. Also, in a collection of fifteen success stories, there are many “rags to riches” testimonies about leaving a bad life to go achieve the success people want (qtd. In Business Insider). People have made it through many hardships, including poverty, and now have a better life. The way one is brought up does not determine the way their life will be forever. Today, money is not worth as much as it use to be. Also, people do not receive as much of it as they use to. Although this is completely true, money is what one makes of it. As long as they work and have a stable job, it is possible to figure out how to budget and start saving up. This will make it possible to stop worry about the hardships in life, and have a good