What Is The Moral Of The Movie The Matrix

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To question that which cannot be answered with anything but an opinion or theory is the definition of philosophy. However, as the great philosopher Plato stated, “Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.” The key to philosophy is finding a basis for you theories. We can apply that theory here when we try and answer the three questions of what is reality, what is a person, and do we have free will. With the theory and opinions I construct, we can answer the final question of what is the meaning of life. We can use the movie The Matrix as the basis to answer those first three questions. When we ask ourselves the question what is real, we ask the question without the goal of receiving an …show more content…

Coincidentally, when they were outside the matrix, the matrix was fake and the non-matrix was reality. However, if we to apply the statement that reality can be defined as what we perceive to be the world in which we have our current existence, then we would be stating that dreams are reality. It is common knowledge that dreams are fake. Yet if we are dreaming, and we did not know that we were dreaming, then we would assume that we exist in that world, therefore making the dream our reality. Imagine we are actually asleep, and have been dreaming our entire lives. Would that not make that dream our reality? Is that dream not real simply because it is happening in our minds? Bringing all of that back to the original question. What is real? What is fake? The answer to both those questions is whatever we want it to be. Reality is what we perceive to be real in our existence, and falsehood is whatever we believe to be fake in our existence. One philosopher who agrees with me is Plato, and his prisoners in a cave theory. The people living in the matrix are like the prisoners chained up in the cave. The prisoners believe that the shadows projected on …show more content…

Before we can answer that question, we must first define free will. Free will is the ability to make decisions at one’s own discretion, without being influenced by external factors. The obvious answer the question is yes. You, as the reader of this essay, have chosen to read this essay with your own discretion. However, were you not influenced by external factors to read this essay? To mark it? We can use other examples to understand this. Did you choose, with your own discretion and without external influence, to eat dinner yesterday night? Or were you influenced by your own human instinct to eat and live. So therefore one could say that we do not have free will. But at the same time, did you not use your own discretion to choose which food you ate yesterday? Did you not use your own discretion to decide whether or not to put salt on your French fries? I believe that we have free will to an extent. We cannot choose where we will be born, or what our parents will be like. However, we do have the free will to carve the path we will travel down with the tools we are given by life. We look at the movie The Matrix. Neo did not choose to be born into the matrix. However, with the tools life presented him with, he carved his path with his own free will. Morpheus did not force him to take the red pill. Neo chose with his own free will. As the great philosopher Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan stated, “Life is like a game of card. We are dealt a hand, which is our present