What Specific Hypothesis Might You Develop About Leslie Form Each Of The Theories Examined In This Module?

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What specific hypotheses might you develop about Leslie form each of the theories examined in this module? Social Cognitive Theory: Lent (2003) proposed “that person inputs (e.g., gender, race, disability, personality, and predispositions) and background context, together influence learning experiences, which influence self-efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations. These influences interest, which influence choice goals: goals influence actions and action influence performance attainments” (Swanson & Fouad pg. 180). Utilizing the choice model within the social cognitive theory I would hypothesize that Leslie leadership qualities she possessed as teenager and her background excelling in math and even tutoring while in middle school. Started out as an interest which in turn influence her choice goals and eventually became a career. One in which she enjoyed until recently. I would hypothesize that Leslie self-efficacy is high in her ability to teach because she has been teaching for over 13 years. Construction Theory: …show more content…

209). Utilizing the second framework of construction theory I would hypothesize Leslie is confident in her ability to teach but it’s the job and the changes within the job she is dissatisfied with. I would also hypothesize the changes within her job which she is dissatisfied may be effecting her self-efficacy which has her questioning teaching and her career