All throughout my educational career, I have always done what is right. I have focused on what would help me grow and what would help others around me. I have found a passion for helping others. Being in both Interact and participating in RYLA opened my eyes to the possibilities. It also allowed me to meet new people and make new friendships that I will have for the rest of my life. RYLA was a good opportunity to learn more about myself. I pushed myself to new heights and I was reborn. I was reborn in the sense that I had a deeper understanding of what life is, and what helping other means. Before, I thought you only helped with materialistic needs, like housing. However, I found that it was more emotional. Service could mean just being there for someone and providing emotional support. But it doesn’t stop there. There are more opportunities that I learned of, for making the world a better place to live. You are spreading goodness in the world and not for selfish reasons. …show more content…
When I am following my true path, I know that I am doing the right thing. This mentality has been keeping me going and participating in the things that I love. When I was in tenth grade, I met my best friend. We did not talk very much until she attended a retreat that I was a part of for confirmation in the Catholic Church. During that time we instantly became closer. We opened up and shared are different experience and struggles. She understood me. At RYLA, I met my other best friend. We didn’t know each other existed until we were both sitting outside writing. In each instance I was passionate about helping others, following my passions, and just being open. My experiences prove that when you are doing something you love and have a passion for, you will meet the right people that will make a difference in your