Who Is Jake's Anxiet From A Humanist

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Psychology Homework #1 With this broad scenario a behaviorist will find it useful to attain more information on solely how Jake reacts to the classes that trigger his anxiety. In searching for the origin of Jake’s anxiety a behaviorist will want to find if Jake has ever encountered both anxiety and a hard situation before. If he has, a behaviorist would then ask how he handled the situation(s) and seek to know how his behavior was learned based on those past events. If psychologist can find how Jakes behavior was learned, they may then look for environmental factors that reinforce Jake’s behavior. For example: Say the behaviorist finds that every time things got hard for Jake in his past he would avoid the situation entirely, resulting in self-sabotage. The will look for environmental factors as well that may reinforce Jake’s anxious behavior. So to help Jake unlearn this behavior one might then bring to Jake’s attention that Alternatively, if a behaviorist finds that this is the first time Jake has encountered hard classes they may see Jake’s …show more content…

A humanist will most likely stay far from wondering about Jake’s past experiences as far as finding an origin. A humanist will focus on the idea that Jake and all people want to self-promote and do well but they simply cannot if their basic needs are not met. Looking at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, they may ask Jake if his basic needs are being met, for example sleeping, eating, food, water. If they find that Jake is in fact having a hard time sleeping they may conclude that this is the cause of Jake not being able to succeed in higher level studies thus causing his anxiety. If they were to treat this they may suggest and find types of needs that Jake is not fulfilling and give him tips on how to strengthen that. How to monitor his sleep, so that he is getting enough to be able to function with high level classes. This will change his behavior of