
Who Is Mark Anthony In Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar was a very good guy who was about to rule as dictator but as every powerful person he had enemies. Caesar had two very good friends Brutus and Mark Anthony one was very happy for him while the other one was envy and thought he wouldn't be a good ruler. One day Caesar got assassinated but no surprise he got betrayed by one of his close friends, Brutus who gave Caesar the final stab which killed him. Brutus literally and figuratively stabbed Caesar in the back. When it was time for his funeral Brutus decided to give a speech even right after he killed him. His other close friend Mark Anthony also gave a speech his speech was right after Brutus but at first he wasn't allowed to deliver a speech. Brutus was worried that his speech …show more content…

Mark Anthony had nothing to do with the assassination but he was upset and mad because he had lost his very good friend. Mark Anthony tried to warn Caesar about Brutus and the assassination but Caesar didn't listen because he thought Brutus was his friend. Anthony at first was not allowed to deliver a speech at the funeral but since he was very persuasive he was able to speak. Anthony was a very smart person and used his brain to and words to make Brutus look like he had done a big mistake killing Caesar. The very first thing that Anthony did was bring out the dead body he did this to make the Romes feel bad and guilty and to show the damage Brutus had done. Anthony starts his speech off different then Brutus by starting with "Friends, Romans, and countrymen". He starts off by saying friends because he wants the crowd to feel like they were all his friend and make them feel like they mattered to Anthony. This would show that they were about to listen to everything he was going to say. Anthony was going to show a lot of emotion and even cry to make his speech even more better and persuade the crowd. In his speech he tells," He was my friend, faithful, and just to me. To every Rome citizen he gives, to every serval men, seventy five drachmas, moreover he hath left you all his walks, his private arbors, and new planted orches." He brings Caesars will up because it will make the crowd listen very closely and it shows that Caesar was a good man. The crowd now feels guilty because he was a good man and he would have been a better dictator if Brutus hadn't killed him because he was very generous and cared deeply for the romes. He used pathos in this part of his speech because he was able to make the crowd feel guilty with his choice of words. Throughout the whole speech he talks about all the good things Caesar had done for them which makes Brutus look like the bad person now. This speech effects the plot because

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