
Who Is Responsible In The Movie Wall-E?

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The movie Wall-E is about a robot who is stranded on earth and has a primary job, to clean up garbage. Humans have polluted the Earth to such a degree that they decide to leave the Earth on a giant spaceship, called the Axiom, rather than fixing the mess they made. They left robots, like Wall-E, on the polluted Earth to clean up the garbage they had left behind. Wall-E meets Eve, another robot, whose mission is to determine if there is still life on Earth. Wall-E gives Eve a plant as a present. As this is a sign of life, Eve returns to the Axiom. Wall-E follows Eve to the Axiom.
When they arrive at the spacecraft, they observe that all the humans there are obese and do not interact with each other verbally. They only use technology to communicate and transport themselves (hover chairs). Eve presents the plant to the captain of the ship who realizes that Earth can sustain life. He decides it is time to return to Earth. An …show more content…

In the movie Wall-E, all the humans aboard the Axiom rely on technology/machines for everything. Humans move around in hover cars (which makes them obese due to lack of exercising), communicate on the phone/Facetime other people only (this deprives them of human physical and emotional interaction), and they don’t eat real food. Their food comes from cups and they consume their food in a liquid form. The robots on the spacecraft do everything for these people. Technology has taken over the people’s lives and turned them into robots themselves. This makes the humans lazy. If humans become lazy, then this could lead to major pollution of the Earth because no one will clean up the mess they maden (as seen in the movie). Also, humans need to rely on themselves to help keep the Earth not technology. Humans need to clean up the Earth themselves not have robots do

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