
Who Is Steve Jobs Improved Technology?

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Technology has evolved throughout the years and within time it will improve more to advancement. The history of the computer industry goes back to the 18th century. The earliest computer was enormous that took almost the whole space in a room. It was not a digital computer, therefore it did not have a screen as in today. As more time flew by computers has improved in technology industry. The typewriter was an invention to be used to type back in the day. The typewriter was useful, but awfully frustrating because it was created with only a keyboard and only in need of paper. As you type it goes along onto the paper, but once a mistake has been made there is no going back therefore you had to start all over on your paper. Technology grew larger and more high-tech, an inventor's name Steven Paul is known as Steve Jobs had invented to most improved technology in history that has changed how we use technology in everyday lives. His success of creating this amazing improvement had lead to the apple products that most people use today, such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. These products are now seen in the evolution of modern technology, therefore Steve Jobs is the Person of The Year of Time Magazine. …show more content…

He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with his health issues returning it led him to a liver transplant. Jobs was married and lived in Palo Alto, California with their 3 children. Jobs was actually an adopted child. When his biological parents put him up for adoption, shortly after his parents got married and had another child. It was not until he was 27 to uncover information about his biological parents. His foster father, Paul Jobs would spend time with Jobs working with electronics. Putting them apart and Jobs had to put them back together, this was their hobby that they like doing

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