
Who Is Tennyson's The Charge Of The Light Brigade

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Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade” speaks to the heroism of soldiers at wartime. This heroism is especially evident throughout the second stanza, as the speaker asks, “was there a man dismayed?” (10). This question is answered in the following stanzas as it is made evident that if any soldiers were scared, they did not show it. This is significant as it establishes a theme of courage throughout the poem. This is further established through the repetition of, “into the jaws of Death” and “into the valley of Death” (7,16, 24, 45). Here, the use of repetition suggests the Light Brigade is fully aware of how dangerous their mission is. The capitalization of “Death” throughout the poem implies a sense of certainty. Therefore, the mission is hopeless and there will inevitably be causalities. This is significant as it further elevates the courage of the men of the …show more content…

It is an all-around good spring poem, that speaks to the beauty of creation in a unique way. While most poetry aims to celebrate the purity or cleansing of nature, Hopkin’s speaks of “speckled” and “dappled” things. I interpret the intention behind this as a celebration of God and everything he has created, whether it is “freckled” or “fickle.” This idea is supported in the 9th line as the speaker states, “with swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim” (9). Here, the speaker uses juxtaposition to present the different dimensions of nature. This is significant as the poem contains a lot of euphony. Therefore, the way the poem is read almost works to contrast the overall message of the poem. This euphony is often achieved through the use of alliteration throughout the poem. The diction used throughout the poem establishes a mood that is often associated with fall. However, the poem appears to be speaking about spring. I believe the author does this to present the beauty in impurities, and that something beautiful does not always have to be

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