Who Is To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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In William Shakespeare's play of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is the character most to blame for the death of Juliet and his own. The reason that I believe Romeo is to blame is because he started it all by thinking he was in love and by talking to Juliet. The first words he said to her was, "if I'm profaning a holy shrine with my most unworthy hand, the lesser sin is this: my lips, like two blushing pilgrims, are ready with a tender kiss to smooth away roughness of my touch" (1.5.91-94). Romeo doesn't even start a smooth conversation, he went straight to flirting. He could have tried getting to know Juliet and see if she was the right girl for him, after all, he didn't even know Juliet and was in love by the image of her. My second reason to why