
Who Is To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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They say Romeo is a sweetheart looking to find the love of his life, but in reality he is a someone who is mentally damaged and needs help. Romeo and Juliet is play written by the great shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet follows the love story of two teenagers. The conflict is starts because their families hate each making almost impossible for them to be together. The ending of the play results in both Romeo and Juliet dead.. Romeo is to blame for the death of him and his be loved Juliet. Romeo makes many wrong turns in the story such as trying to be with Juliet, Killing Tybalt, and making all around rash choices that lead me to believe that he may suffer from bipolar disorder.

First of all, the whole point of the story is to show that love can conquer all, but the love in this story is what results in their deaths. Romeo meets Juliet after he sneaks into the capulet party, who by the way are the sworn enemies of Romeo’s family. Romeo is going to meet Rosaline a women he said he was …show more content…

Tybalt is Capulet's most fierce fighter and is the cousin of Juliet. Tybalt finds Romeo and tries to start a fight with him. Romeo won’t accept the fight, but Tybalt continues his pursuit of Romeo. Mercutio, who’s Romeo’s best friend, takes the fight for Romeo. Tybalt and Mercutio begin there brawl, but the fight ends with Mercutio’s death. This causes Romeo to go berserk, and he then kills Tybalt. In the article written by Richard Knox The Teen Brain: It’s Just Not Grown Up Yet “The frontal lobes are not fully connected really, It’s the part of the brain that says: Is this a good idea?” This is true of Romeo as he doesn’t seem to question what he’s going to do until after he kills Tybalt. After Romeo had killed Tybalt he says one of the most famous quotes from the the play “Oh, I am fortune’s fool!”(Act 3 scene 1). Romeo is saying that that he threw everything away by killing

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