
Who Is To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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In the great tragedy Romeo and Juliet written by the legendary Shakespeare, many different people are to be blamed for the horrific outcome of story. However, at first glance, both the main characters, Romeo and Juliet are the ones to be painted responsible for the outcome. In reality however, it is clear to see two different characters are to blame for the tragedy. After extensive research, it is clear to see 3 individuals caused the event that ended in the surmise of the two young main characters. These 3 characters are, Friar Laurence, Tybalt and Capulet (The father of Juliet) are all to blame. The first character that is to blame, is Friar Laurence. While reading Romeo and Juliet, we see Friar Laurence as a warm and welcoming character. We this mainly as Friar Laurence acts as a mentor and guide to the young lover Romeo. Friar Laurence plants seeds of comfort into Romeo when he is in a time of need. Friar Laurence also told Romeo to follow his heart, when in reality, he should have planted the seed of caution in Romeo, why Friar Laurence of all people knew how tense the situation between the families where. If Friar Laurence properly instructed Romeo, Romeo may not have acted so rash and absurdly in the end of the story. In addition to Friar Laurence being a ban mentor, Friar Laurence was also the one that was directly …show more content…

Tybalt I feel is the man reason and cause for the escalating tension between the capulets and the montagues. One of the main ways that tensions rise between the two families is actually the death of Tybalt. Without Tybalt's death, Romeo would never have been banned from the city, which then in turn wouldn’t force Juliet to take such drastic measures to leave the city and be with Romeo. Going back to Tybalt's death we see that Tybalt is the reason for his own death. Tybalt hot headedness, short temperedness and hate for Romeo, is what gets him

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