Whole School Policy And Practice

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Motivation for learning is important for whole school policy and practice. School policies use parents and the wider community to boost children’s motivation for learning. (McGarry Klose, 2008, page 12). School policies such as curriculum subject policies and code of discipline should aim to provide for motivation of learning. In school practice, a teacher’s role is to provide the motivation to learn. McGarry Klose points out how a teacher relies on rewards for those who are extrinsically motivated rather than those who are intrinsically motivated. The use of rewards encourages those who are extrinsically motivated rather than helping them to become intrinsically motivated. Those who are intrinsically motivated represent a motivation ‘that …show more content…

Skinners operational conditioning is relevant to class management and for promoting class motivation. (McLeod,2007). Cognitive theories of motivation make use of the learner’s beliefs, curiosity and the concept of goal setting. Setting realistic and stage appropriate goals tend to motivate an individual’s performance and determination to understand the task or concept. (Explorable, 2016). School policies should recognize the children’s desire for knowledge and their motivation to perform to desired standards. Maslow’s theories of motivation suggest that basic needs such as food and warmth must be met before the student is motivated to learn and achieve his or her best. Psychological needs and belonging needs must be met before reaching the final stage of achieving personal potential. The basic ‘lower deficit needs’ need to be met before the higher ‘growth needs’ can be reached. (McLeod, 2007). Motivation in schools is based on the values that we as teachers and the students themselves place on education in their lives. valence and setting values on the needs and goals provide for school motivation. (Explorable,