Why Did The Nazi's Hate The Jews So Much?

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Horrors at Auschwitz
Why did the Nazi’s hate the Jews so much? How did the Nazi’s carry out the execution of so many people? If you were lucky enough to survive, what would your life look like at the camp? At the concentration camp Auschwitz, Jewish people faced horrific deaths and were forced to work in harsh conditions because of their race and religion.
The Nazi’s hated the Jews and wanted to exterminate all of them. People who discriminate against Jewish people for their religious beliefs are called anti-Semitic. The Nazi’s took Anti-Semitism even further and persecuted Jews not only because of their beliefs, but also (and mainly) because of their race. Anti-Semitism appeared because Judaism and Christianity had religious differences. Christianity is …show more content…

After Jesus was crucified, Christian Gospels believed it was the Jews fault. The Nazi’s thought the only solution was to kill all of the Jews. In the Nazi’s opinion, killing the Jews would purify the salvation of the German people. They believed that the Aryan race was superior to all other races and that it was the only pure race. To the Nazi’s, the Jews threatened the purity of the “perfect” race. Auschwitz was known as a death camp for a reason; it is estimated that 1.1 million people faced terrible deaths at this camp. The most widely used methods for execution was the gas chambers. The Nazi’s wanted to speed up the killing of the Jews so they tried poison gas. The people would be told that they were going to take a shower and were sent inside the shower room. Once they closed the doors the prisoners were gassed and killed. After they died their bodies would be burned in adjacent ovens.