Why Did The Us Enter Ww2 Research Paper

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Lagaret 1
Christian Lagaret
Mr. Nestoras
U.S History
19 January 2018 The U.S’s initiation into WWII How did the U.S take on such an intense role during WWII? The U.S did not enter the war until 1941, yet the war started in 1939. The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7th, 1941. The military base was attacked by over 300 japanese fighter planes, which left many military casualties and many civilian lives lost. The Japanese originally executed the attack to prevent the U.S from interfering with imperializing China and also to stop the income of supplies to the U.S’s allies. Many believe the attack on Pearl Harbor initiated the U.S into …show more content…

The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI but started WWII. The treaty prohibited Germany from being able to have a full military and to take the guilt for the cause of WWI. Feeling weak, Germany wanted to become powerful again. Germany, being very angry, listened to Adolf Hitler’s speeches to make Germany powerful once again. Although Germany killed many during WWI, they felt like they were treated unfairly. About 20 years later WWII started. Japan, Italy, and Germany signed the tripartite pact to form an alliance within the 3 countries to provide assistance to each other if they are in need. While the treaty was being discussed, Germany did not want to accept the treaty, but they knew if they did not, the allies would invade Germany from the West. The U.S issued fourteen points to allow free trade, end the war, and open agreements. The fourteen points were established to spread peace throughout the countries. Another consequence for Germany was the territorial loss …show more content…

The United States government heard some rumors and have seen clues about an attack from Japan. An American ambassador named Joseph Grew heard from a Peruvian ambassador that Japan was planning an attack. The government thought that this plan of attack was bluff and was very unlikely. While the United States was in isolation and trying to avoid the war, Japan became more and more interested with China. The United States also was interested in China. They wanted to protect China and get rid of any Japanese troops that might have been in the country. The United States wanted to stay in isolation, but if China was taken over, that would give the Axis powers a huge advantage, and eventually pose as a huge threat to the United States. Japan needed oil from the U.S to continue the war. President Roosevelt set up a meeting for the Prime Minister of Japan to talk about any solutions, but the meeting continued to be put off. If president Roosevelt took time to go to the meeting with the Japanese prime minister, they could have came with a solution and came to good terms, and the attack on Pearl Harbor could have been prevented. Although the attack on Pearl Harbor could have been prevented, the Japanese might have attacked somewhere such as China, and tried harder to take over the South