Why Do Dress Codes Such A 'Distraction' To Males?

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In today’s society there seems to be a lot of discrimination against the female race. Most studies claim, males get paid more, males get offered more jobs, and so on. The fight for equality has been going on for years, but one thing that seems to affect most females is dress code. Why are females such a “distraction” to men? Why is it only females that get “shamed” for wearing certain things? How come schools and workplaces only enforce strict dress codes on females, while males can get away with wearing almost anything? If this really was a dress code then males would get the same punishments as females do, but they don’t. So how come in the year 2017 even small things like articles of clothing be such a one sided issue. One of the biggest places that dress codes are enforced are public schools. In the United States ninety-eight percent of schools have some sort of dress code, ranging from really strict to moderate. These dress codes include not being able to show shoulders or knees. Not being able to wear tank-tops or skirts. Although boys can wear shorts and cut off shirts but if girls were to wear that they would get in trouble. Parents of those girl feel as if this is unfair treatment, and it is. Why should girls be the only ones to get in trouble for simple things? A lot of people do not …show more content…

Girls feel as if they are being body shamed by what they wear. When teachers and principals are lecturing these young girls into thinking that who they are as a person is wrong, their self confidence gets distraught. It is during this time of a girl's life that they start to discover who they are meant to be and what their goals and achievements will be, but with people constantly saying that they are just some sort of “distraction”. Not only would hearing this as a young girl, but anyone in general would feel so small in this case, so why do this to someone so young and