Why Do Romeo And Juliet Blame Their Parents

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Ultimately Both Romeo and Juliet’s parents are at fault for the deaths of their children. Have your parents ever explained the meaning of love to you when you started dating? Some parents have but most haven’t because your parents probably never got the talk about true love.
Both of their parents didn’t explain the true meaning of being in love. A quote from Romeo and Juliet, “Oh, there’s my lady! Oh, it is my love. Oh, I wish she knew how much I love her.”. Romeo is sitting in Juliet’s back yard in a bush stalking her as she talks about him. Romeo is mumbling about how beautiful Juliet is to himself while he is hiding in the bush, stalking her.
Another quote,“ Her eyes are saying something. I will answer them.”. As he sits in the bush he is looking at her face as she leans on the balcony thinking about him. He watches her eyes and thinks she is about to say something and is ready to respond when she does. …show more content…

Quote from Romeo and Juliet, “Well then, I’ll say this quickly: the valiant Paris wants you as his bride.”. Her mom wants Juliet to marry Prince Paris because he is a prince and is a good person and has all characteristics that her mother wants him to have for Juliet. Another quote, “Study Paris’s face and find pleasure in his beauty. Examine every line of his features and see how they work together to make him handsome”. Her mom really wants her to hangout with Paris and get to know him so she will grow to love him and marry him. Her mom really pushes her to like Paris even though Juliet doesn’t like Paris in that way or at