Why Do Student Athletes Get Paid?

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Tim Tebow once said, “We play a sport. It’s a game. At the end of the day, that’s all it is, it is a game. It doesn’t make you any better or any worse than anybody else. So by winning a game, you’re no better. By losing a game, you’re no worse. ” This quote is relevant because student athletes need to realize there is more to life than just sports. Student athletes need to realize that good grades can help lead to a successful life and career, but sports skills will most likely not be needed for a successful life. Schools are requiring a certain GPA to play sports because it is teaching them that failure is not acceptable, how to be responsible, and to prepare them for further education that may lead to their career.
Schools are helping athletes by teaching them that failure is not acceptable. If a student is not doing well academically in their classes and has a low GPA, the school will not allow them to participate in sports activities. In doing this, the students realize that when they fail they may lose privileges, such as being a part of a team. By requiring good grades, it provides an incentive for students to work hard to have the privilege of being a team member. A real life example is if you fail to complete a job task you are given, you will most likely have your job taken away from …show more content…

The student must be responsible for earning grades necessary to meet the required GPA the school has set. Students must be willing to learn, manage their time to balance it between sports and studying, and give their best effort. Students also have a responsibility to their team. The team counts on each of its players to do their part as a team member. If an athlete fails to achieve the GPA to play a sport, he or she is letting down the team. If the athlete wants to play a sport and be part of team, they must take responsibility and meet the given