“To kill a mockingbird” an American novel written by Harper Lee in the year 1960. It took place in a place called Maycomb, Alabama. The story is written as first person point of view, a girl who is named Scout (Jean Louise Finch), as a narrator and a protagonist. In reality, she is referred to as the writer’s shadow because her experiences reflect the author’s outlook on life. Courage plays a major role as a theme in the novel. Courage means a person is brave enough to do what he or she believes with confidence. Courage can be expressed in different ways. It could be a little child who stands up to his parents, or person trying to fulfill his or her fear. For instance, Courage could be doing a bungee jump or even going to Mount Everest during winter. In the novel, there are many examples which show that the characters display courage. …show more content…
One day, he received the case of a young man named Tom Robinson, facing a criminal charge of rape. Atticus understands the defendant is a black person, and it makes the case more complex. But Atticus did not give up on Tom. Atticus works as hard as he can, trying his best to prove Tom is innocent. At one point, Atticus decided to stay outside the prison in case anything happened. On that night, a mob came to the prison to try and get Tom out and kill him. Atticus showed bravery to protect Tom, Scout showed her courage strictly his father. At the end, both of them work together and