Why English Is The Most Common Language Essay

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Why English is the most common language chosen for bilingual people? Daniel Ruiz
Languages are very important in all over the world because by this media we express ourselves and most importantly communicate with other people. The most common language in the whole world is mandarin and most of the population in the world is bilingual people. This gives chance to another language to be the most common to learn as second language. This chance was taken by English, in this time English is the most common language learned by bilingual people. There are different causes for this, One could be the easiness they can learn it, another is that lots of the most important countries in the world speak this language, television or music also counts in this subject because the most viewed movies and music videos are in English and aren’t as good when you translate it to another language. Companies have lost of translators but most of them are ruled by English speaking people, this is why people in Russia, china and big industries countries need English to have big deals. The countries that don’t know English we can say that are the one that are struggling, this is why English has become so important to humanity. in this essay I’m going to explore why English is the most common language chosen …show more content…

If you know English you will have more information than if you look for it in Spanish or another language. If you are doing homework and you look up information in English there will be much more detail than in a Spanish website. Lots of times the websites are traduced into another language but this loses the detail and some words that could change all the significance. This is also very important because if you know English you will have a better grade and therefore